Sleep at night is a good time prohei It's very calm when we sleep easily without disturbing the system and some of the rest of us, between the hours. Sleep at night, do not make our problems stress or no risk of disease reversal from naps, which can make us feel stressed or under pressure, such as headache.
However, sleep at night, not sure that does not cause problems, it can also make us suffer too many problems, but if we do these things, 5, before going to bed, it can happen. 5 What is it?
1. Do not use an electronic
The results after the study, said that looking at the light blue and white, out of the digital screen of the electronic pad that could make our brain to suspend production of the hormone Melatonin, which is a hormone type helps quickly to sleep.
2. Do not take sleeping
2. Do not take sleeping
In fact, this type of medication is for those who have problems not only sleep, but if you do not have problems with sleep, then do not swallow it. For some reason, it can affect other parts such as muscle pain, Alzheimer's, and if swallowed, it is often also can make us dangerous. In total, those issues and problems should not take it, and if there is a problem, talk to your doctor is better.
3. Do not drink alcoholic beverages
Thought that only 1 to 2 glasses of wine, it can help to sleep as soon as possible? If this kind of thinking is wrong and the study shows that it may make you sleep, your body will metabolize alcohol during sleep. So when we wake up will feel tired and efficient.
4. Do not drink beverages containing caffeine after 5 pm
4. Do not drink beverages containing caffeine after 5 pm
According to one study found that drinks containing caffeine in excess of 400 mg, equivalent to a cup of coffee, Starbucks Venti coffee before going to bed 6 hours before it will interfere with your sleep. Therefore, experts advise that people drink all the time should not exceed 5 pm.
5. Do not strong Exercise
According to experts, the majority indicated that we should not exercise great power in the evening, when chitadlmaong sleep. The reason is because during exercise, our body will heat up the main problem, one can not help us sleep.
Overall, this is just a big point that you should avoid before going to bed. However, it is not only far, with another small point is that you should eat foods rich in fat or butter, because it could affect REM sleep (for women). I hope you will all learn a lot from this article!
5 things you should avoid, if possible, avoid before going to bed at night!